Summary Puerto Rican Women Migrants in the US and Puerto Rican Politics
The purpose of this study is to investigate how female Puerto Rican migrants affect the politics of the US and Puerto Rico.
Female Puerto Rican migrants have played an important role in the Puerto Rican community in the US. Women have supported their families by working in the textile and tobacco industries, as well as struggling for welfare benefits and the right to bilingual education. What kind of political effect have these women had in the US and in Puerto Rico?
Until now, their influence has not been large in US politics on the national stage or in Puerto Rican politics. However, the influence of Puerto Rican women is felt in grass roots movements and in women of color movements. They have also added their latina perspective to the mainly white middle class American feminist movement just as women from other parts of the developing world have.
We feel that more in-depth study of Puerto Rican women in the US should be done and in future research would like to investigate Puerto Rican feminist activities further. In particular, we would like to compare the activities of Puerto Rican women with those of other Latin women in the US.
プエルトリコでは1929年に、読み書き能力があることという制限つきであったものの、初めて女性の参政権が認められた。これは、1928 年にラテンアメリカ・カリブ地域の中で最も早く女性参政権が成立したエクアドルに次いで2番目に早く、世界的にみてもかなり早い時期に女性参政権が成立したケースだと言える。
プエルトリコにおける女性に関する法制整備の歴史をみると、女性の権利を守り、女性の地位を向上させる法律が他地域に先駆けて制定されていることが分かる。その際、後述するようにこれらの法律が制定されていく過程では、政党の運動とは別に形成されていた女性運動からの、政府、行政側への働きかけが極めて重要な役割を果たした。そこで、本稿では、プエルトリコにおける女性政策形成の過程にフェミニズムが具体的にどう関わったのかを考察し、その過程でプエルトリコの女性運動に生じた変化を検討する。 [全文]
Feminism and Domestic Violence in Puerto Rico
Since the 1970s, the Puerto Rican feminism has become active, and in the 1980s it had a lively movement against domestic violence.
This is because in Puerto Rican society domestic violence is one of the most serious problems that are violence. They are of great urgency. At the same time, violence against women is a reflection of the deep structures of sexal and economic inequality in society. The society expects men to carry out their patriarchal role in their domestic sphere. And the abuse toward women can be seen as a representation of male power. So the domestic violence has become a big issue of feminism.
Global Women's Movement and Feminism: the case of Japanese government's policy for women
In this paper I will discuss why domestic violence became a main concern of the Japanese government's policy for women all of a sudden in the late 1990s. In the United States and Europe domestic violence had been recognized as one of the most serious problems based on sexual discrimination since 1970s, however, the Japanese government did not pay attention to this issue. I would like to emphasize the fact that the United Nations took up this problem in the early 1990s and that the UN Forth World Conference on Women in 1995 focused on it. These organizational efforts caused the Japanese government's policy change.
The History of Puerto Rican Community in the United States and Identity
In this paper I would like to discuss the identity of Puerto Rican People in the United States. Since 1898 Puerto Rico has been a US territory and since 1917 Puerto Ricans have had US citizenship. This fact has caused many Puerto Ricans to emigrate to the mainland. Now Puerto Rican emigrants' population on the mainland is on a level with the homeland, Puerto Rico.
With the growth of Puerto Rican emigrants to the US, the image of being Puerto Rican has been changing. Now, not all Puerto Ricans speak Spanish and love the Puerto Rican dishes. We can say that Puerto Rican identity has been changing as society has changed.
The purpose of this study is to investigate why Julia de Burgos wrote poems in English at the last stage of her life in New York.
Julia de Burgos is the most popular poet of Puerto Rico. She expressed her pride about being a Puerto Rican woman in her poetry. But she wrote some poems in English at the last stage of her life in New York in order to express the agony of her life in New York City. To express her feelings about New York City, she chose not to write poems in Spanish but in English. In this way she makes an impression on us with her suffering: “her cry into the world, her farewell to Welfare Island and farewell to the world”.
Music as Symbol of Ethinic Culture: New York and Hispanic
In this paper I discuss why Latin peoples' music exploded in the US at the end of the 20th century.
I point out, in addition to the increase in the Hispanic population in US, that a new Hispanic generation whose identity differs from their parents, is now growing up in American society. This young generation created a new music wave according to their lifestyle that blends their original Hispanic culture and America's. The Latin Pop explosion was born connecting Latin rythm with Ameircan entertainment industries. The rythm had originated in Latin culture and has evolved from the original music.
Cuando se habla del afan de justicia social de Julia, muchas veces se refiere a los poemas del primer poemario o a las obras mas agitadoras publicadas en la prensa.
Entonces, ¿no eran politicas las obras del mundo amoroso? Hasta ahora se ha afirmado que los poemas amorosos no eran tan simples, sino que hablan de la agonía del amor, la busqueda de sí misma, declara su identidad firme, etc. Con todo, creemos que los poemas amorosos de Julia no solo mostraron lo profundo del amor y la vida sino que alzaron la voz contra la discriminacion femenina. En este sentido tienen una tendencia mas politica.
Es cierto que el amor supremo no se asegura una solucion que determine la situacion de la mujer. Al final de sus poemas la poeta misma se encontraba desesperada, pues su ideal no fue captado por el hombre, ni por el mundo actual. Sin embargo podemos evaluar en muchas de sus obras liricas como un punto de partida del alzamiento femenino. Nos damos cuenta de que Julia buscaba la esencia de su existencia en el amor y eso conduce a liberarse a una atada a la sociedad convencional. Y lleva hasta la idea de la liberacion del sexo que surgio como una lema del movimiento feminismo de los anos setenta considerando la determinacion del cuerpo de la mujer. La tarea de renovarlo es trabajo de nosotras las mujeres.
Emigrants, Politics and Women: Puerto Rican Women Migrants in the US
In this paper I would like to discuss how female Puerto Rican migrants have played an important role in the Puerto Rican community in the US.
With the growth of the Puerto Rican emigrant population in the US, their community has become well established. Female Puerto Rican worked to survive in this society by working and fighting in their daily lives. Their political influence is not visible on the national political scene but their influence is felt in grass roots movements and in "women of color" movements.
We can say their activity penetrates minority movements and through this they are changing US society.
En este trabajo argumento que la globalizacion e industrializacion influye en los asuntos de la mujer, sobre todo en la transformacion de pais agricola a industrial. Lo digo porque, comparando los casos de Japon y Puerto Rico, al darse en cada sociedad la transformacion de pais agricola a industrial, la situacion de las mujeres cambio en cada pais de manera similar. Se puede esperar que el parecido entre las situaciones favorezca una unificacion de intereses y tienda lazos de comunicacion fuertes, traspasando fronteras.
Multiculturalism in the U.S. and Puerto Ricans: Puerto Ricans in the Minority Movements,
In this paper I would like to discuss multiculturalism and the Puerto Rican community in the U.S. Puerto Rican people have struggled against racism and poverty, and have reformed the education system as minority migrants, with African Americans and Latinos. After the civil rights movements in the U.S. the minority's voices have been gaining authority affecting the recognition of how the U.S. is composed. Now the concept of multiculturalism affects all aspects of society. The Puerto Rican community is also affected and in turn affects this social transformation as a part of the minorities in the U.S.
NY 女性要約
Both on the island and in the mainland U.S. , Puerto Rican women have been creating a new paradigm in women's struggles.
They are not, in any sense, in the mainstream of U.S. society. That is, they are marginalized people in a metropolis in the postcolonial world. But they are not condemned to accept passively the consequence of a colonial power relationship. On the contrary, they have shown the possibility of creating advantages out of the existing colonial relationship and avoiding rivalries produced by struggle against such relationships, in order to advance women's status. It is in this sense that Puerto Rican women's history under U.S. colonialism offers us a possible middle path, transcending the dichotomies of colonist/colonized, mainstream /marginalized, or Western/non-Western.
Communicative Language Teaching and the CALL Environment: Reports from Introductory Spanish Language Classrooms
Mitsuhiro SHIGAKI, Shigeto YOSHIDA, Akihiro SUDA, Yoshiko MIYAKE, CAHE Journal of Higher Education Tohoku University, No.3, 2008, Center for the Advancement of Higher Education Tohoku University, pp.277-291
New York's Puerto Ricans represent only 20% of their total population in U. S. mainland who are living dispersed in more diverse locations. Attempts to recapitulate Puerto Rican people's struggle for survival in and out of Puerto Rico are being launched in the places other than cities like New York, Chicago and Philadelphia where most of the research of Puert Rican studies in the U. S. had been carried out until recently. This paper aimes at sinthesizing the results of my field trips in the last four years to different parts of the U. S., namely Hawaii, California, and Central Florida, seeking to understand the reality in which Puerto Rican people lives at present.
Puerto Rico was ceded to the U. S. by Spain in 1898 and the people of Puerto Rico became U. S. citizens in 1917. Since then the number of Puerto Rican people in the mainland U. S. has kept increasing and now equals to that in Puerto Rico. The City of New York was the destination for the earlier migrants from the island and in 1940s the city hosted more than 70% of them. Still in 1970s more than 50% of them were concentrated there. This was the reason why the image of Puerto Rican migrants in the mainland U. S. became strongly associated with those located in that city. But such an image should be definitely replaced by recapitulations of multi-faceted experiences of the people.
I conducted interviews with the people who identify themselves as Puerto Ricans and live in the areas above mentioned. The interviewees were not selected in a sistematic manner nor asked a list of questions previously formulated. But through these interviews, some regional tendencies emerged and tips for the further research with more specific topics could be obtained. The paper summarizes them.
Puerto Rican Women and Bilingual Education in the U.S.
On September 8th, 2009, as children go back to school, President Obama delivered a national address to students on the importance of taking responsibility for their success in school , especially encouraging the youth not to drop out from school for any reason. In the U.S., the government emphasizes the young people's educational attainment, which is a decisive factor in economic competence for survival in globalized world. The Hispanic youth group has been characterized by a high dropout rate. It is an obvious symptom, especially among the youth who came from outside of 50 states. However, the Hispanic population is increasing so rapidly that the U.S. future will be depending on them. How to educate Hispanic youth is a big issue. After the 1950s, the New York City authority started to reform bilingual education for Puerto Rican students, working with Puerto Rican teachers, counselors and community liaisons because they were dealing with the sudden increase of Puerto Rican children in the New York City. It was a striking contrast to the policy on Mexican students that had been prohibited from using Spanish in school. The reason New York City's authority adopted a progressive policy is that Puerto Rican people have a long history of bilingual education in the island from 1900 under the control of the U.S. authority. The New York educational authority at that moment considered that the lack of disciplines among Puerto Rican children had been caused by the U.S. authority's educational political chaos in the island. This prompted a more progressive policy of incorporating use of both Spanish and English in the classroom. We can also observe distinguished Puerto Rican women engaged in bilingual education in the U.S. mainland. The U.S. authority started to establish the educational system and normal school program in the island from the beginning of the colonial government. Women occupied major parts of these programs. It led to the emergence of the numerous Puerto Rican women as educational professionals. We can conclude that Puerto Rican experience with language in the colonial setting has affected both Puerto Rican people and the multicultural situation in the US society.
Advantages of Small Size Language Classes with Students from Different Departments: A Report on the Spanish Course Offered to Students Admitted for Fall Semester
小島裕子、三宅禎子、志柿光浩、東北大学高等教育開発推進センター紀要第5号 (2010年3月発行)pp.123-134世界および日本 の 女性差別撤廃史におけるラテンアメリカ・カリブ地域女性運動 の 影響と貢献
The Latin American and Caribbean Women's Contribution to Feminism in the World and Its Influence on Japanese Politics for Women in Japan
La contribución de las mujeres de America Latina en el feminismo mundial y en Japón
国連を中心とする女性差別撤廃の取り組みに、欧米フェミニズムの新しい女性解放の視点、ラテンアメリカ・カリブ地域女性たちの視点が加わり、世界の女性差別撤廃運動は大きく前進した。しかし、それは、当初から相互理解によって進められてきたわけではなく、各地域の女性たちが置かれている状況の相違による対立、対立によって生じたそれぞれの概念の変容を通して達成された。そこには、国連主導の世界女性会議、ラテンアメリカ・カリブ地域フェミニスト集会などの NPO 団体活動の活発化によって、互いに影響し合いながら、フェミニズムのグルーバル化のメカニズムが働いた。
The women's liberation movement had occurred in the United States in the1960s and this movement's influence in the world has been enormous. However, to understand what is happening now with the women's movement in the world, it is indispensable to know that the point of view on the problem of violence and poverty in Latin American society has affected European and U.S. feminism. Nevertheless, that contribution has not been well recognized either in Japan or in the world.
In Puerto Rico , the women started to keep their distance from the divisive political issue of the island's status as a US territory when they united to address women's issues. This has caused the established parties to rethink their politics and also has accelerated the argument objectively about the island's political status. Meanwhile, in the US , the influence of Puerto Rican women is felt in grass roots movements and in women of color movements. They have added their Latina perspective to the mainly white middle class American feminist movement. Also, with their different circumstances and concerns, they are a new addition to the Puerto Rican national identity.
Both on the island and in the mainland US , Puerto Rican are creating a new paradigm in politics. Their movement is growing rapidly in the group of minorities in sovereign nations and in feminism on the outskirts of a sovereign nation. We can recognize the case of Puerto Rican women as one of post colonial feminism.
メキシコの女性作家アンヘレス・マストレッタの最初の小説であるArr?ncame la vidaは、メキシコ近代政治史上重要な転換点である1930年代及び40年代が舞台となっている。
この原稿は、平成4年にRevista de Estudios Hispanicos de Kioto(京都外国語大学イスパニア語学科修士会)で掲載された論文「アンヘレス・マストレッタ著 Arrancame la vida:主人公カタリーナの巧まざるユーモアとその反乱の形」を部分修正し、スペイン語に翻訳したものが、Exegesis (Puerto Rico 大学)で書評として掲載されたもの。
平成22年度(2010年度)外国語教授法研究会 報告書
1. 平成22年度(2010年度)外国語教授法研究会報告書作成にあたって
3. 外国語学習の意義、学習方法、学習支援策—岩手県立大学に適した語学教育カリキュラム構築を目指して
平成23年(2011年)3月31日 外国語教授法研究会
"Julia de Burgos, Yosano Akiko- Dos precursoras de la liberación de la mujer en Puerto Rico y Japón" Listñin Diario, Dominical, fundado el primero de agosto de 1889, Año CIV' Número 26927, Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana' domingo 2 de agosto de 1992, sección'C 8 páginas ' de primera página a 4' ventana ドミニカ共和国、サントドミンゴの新聞記事、文芸欄、1992年8月2日"Japanese professors research book about Hispanics' By Yadira Betances, The Eagle-Tribune, online, September 08, 2009 2010年9月8日, Eagle Tribune Publishing Company. 100 Turnpike Street, North Andover, MA 01845 978-946-2000
Emigracion Latinoamericana: Comparacion Interregional entre America del Norte, Euripa y Japon
The Japan Center for Area Studies, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan, 11-13 de diciembre de 2001
Puerto Rican Women Migrants in the US and Puerto Rican Politics
The purpose of this study is to investigate how female Puerto Rican migrants affect the politics of the US and Puerto Rico.
Female Puerto Rican migrants have played an important role in the Puerto Rican community in the US. Women have supported their families by working in the textile and tobacco industries, as well as struggling for welfare benefits and the right to bilingual education. What kind of political effect have these women had in the US and in Puerto Rico?
Until now, their influence has not been large in US politics on the national stage or in Puerto Rican politics. However, the influence of Puerto Rican women is felt in grass roots movements and in women of color movements. They have also added their latina perspective to the mainly white middle class American feminist movement just as women from other parts of the developing world have.
We feel that more in-depth study of Puerto Rican women in the US should be done and in future research would like to investigate Puerto Rican feminist activities further. In particular, we would like to compare the activities of Puerto Rican women with those of other Latin women in the US.
日時: 2004年 11 月 24 日(水) 16 : 20 ~ 場所:社会福祉学部棟中会議室
日時: 2004年11月29日 月曜 5時半~ 会場:もりおか女性センター生活アトリエ プラザおでって5 F
American Studies Association 2006 Annual Meeting 発表
Section : Restaging the National Drama/Trauma Thu, Oct 12, 8:00-9:45am
California Oakland Marriott City Center / OCC208
Puerto Rican Women and US Society: Handling the Colonial Relationship in a Postcolonial World
三宅 禎子 ,” Promoting Students' Foreign Language Communication Ability and General Studies: The Case Study of Iwate Prefectural University” , The Japan Association for Language Teaching, Iwate Chapter 全国語学教育学会岩手支部 Sunday, 11 December 2011 - 1:30pm - 4:30pm Aiina, Morioka, 6th Floor, Room 602
In the past two years, foreign language teaching at Iwate Prefectural University has been in the process of reform. This talk will address IPU's new directions in foreign language teaching and learning, efforts to establish and expand a study abroad program, and promotion foreign language self-study. IPU offers English, Spanish, Korean, French,
Russian, German and Chinese, and has study abroad options in South Korea and China. A self-study room with language learning materials and resources, and a foreign language learning web site are also among IPU's developments. The reforms to be discussed are motivated by demographic, social and economic change, but are emerging within conservative systems in the university. The challenges of this process will be discussed.
1.岩手県立大学盛岡短期大学部国際文化学科&岩手県立大学共通教育センター(学部などプロジェクト)外国語教授法研究会(Study Group on Foreign Language Teaching Methods, IPU)
「Teaching and Learning English in Cambodian High Schools: Cahllenges and Prospects(カンボジアにおける英語教育の問題と展望:高校での取り組み)」
講師: Prof. Soryong Om r College, November 17th, 2010, 13:00-15:00, Room:本部棟3階大会議使用言語:英語
問合せ先 三宅禎子、クリスティン・カウンスキー
2.岩手県立大学共通教育センター(学部などプロジェクト)外国語教授法研究会(Study Group on Foreign Language Teaching Methods, IPU)
講師: Prof. Chiristine Winskowski, Morioka Junior College, March 5th, 2012, 13:00-15:00, Room:メディアセンターB棟語学学習室1、使用言語:英語ときどき日本語
問合せ先 三宅禎子
3.岩手県立大学共通教育センター(学部などプロジェクト)外国語教授法研究会(Study Group on Foreign Language Teaching Methods, IPU)
「アメリカ研修の推進/ 阻害要因と対策ー岩手県立大学の事例研究」
講師:共通教育センター・佐藤智子教授 日時: 2012年6月25日、月曜日, 16:20-17:50,場所:メディアセンターB棟語学学習室2
問合せ先 三宅禎子
4.岩手県立大学共通教育センター(学部などプロジェクト)外国語教授法研究会(Study Group on Foreign Language Teaching Methods, IPU)
「公開ワークショップ:外国語教育とオンライン・ツール(Worksyop: Online Tools for Teaching and Learning)」
講師: Prof. Chiristine Winskowski, Morioka Junior College, Febrary 19th, 2013, 10:00-12:00, Room:メディアセンターB棟語学学習室4、使用言語:英語ときどき日本語
問合せ先 三宅禎子
研究者:三宅 禎子 研究経費:500千円
研究課題: CALL(Computer Assisted Language Learning)を利用した外国語教授法の実験
研究者:三宅 禎子 研究経費:1286940円
研究課題: グロバリゼーションと女性:プエルトリコ女性と日本女性へのグロバリゼーションの影響の研究
研究者:三宅 禎子 研究経費:202千円
研究者:三宅 禎子 交付金額:1100千円
研究者:三宅 禎子 交付金額:800千円
研究課題: CALL(Computer Assisted Language Learning)を利用した外国語教授法の実験:インターネット上の映像教材の作成
研究者:三宅 禎子 研究経費:1094千円
研究課題: 現代プエルトリコのフェミニズムとナショナルアイデンティティ
研究者:三宅 禎子 研究経費:568千円
研究者:三宅 禎子 交付金額:400千円
研究課題: CALL(Computer Assisted Language Learning)を利用した外国語教授法の実験:インターネット上の映像教材の作成
研究者:三宅 禎子 研究経費:986千円
研究課題: 現代プエルトリコ社会の研究
研究者:三宅 禎子 研究経費:666千円
研究者:三宅 禎子 研究経費 170万円
American Studies Association 2006 Annual Meeting 発表
Section : Restaging the National Drama/Trauma Thu, Oct 12, 8:00-9:45am
California Oakland Marriott City Center/ OCC208
"Puerto Rican Women and US Society: Handling the Colonial Relationship in a Postcolonial World""
研究者:三宅 禎子 交付金額: 3500 千円 基盤研究 (C) (一般)
1.東北大学高等教育開発推進センター企画 「英語で授業」
2、東北大学高等教育開発推進センター企画 国際シンポジウム「国際シンポジウム「グローバル時代の大学マネジメントと質保証」 International Symposium "University Management and Quality Assurance in the Global Era" 」教育関係共同利用拠点提供プログラム 教育マネジメント M-03
日時:2012年1月24日(火) 13:00-18:00/25日(水)10:00-12:00
場所:第1部(1/24) 東北大学片平キャンパス 片平さくらホール 第2部(1/25) 東北大学川内北キャンパス マルチメディア教育研究棟6階ホール第1部 「大学における教育マネジメントと質保証」
First Session: Educational Management and Quality Assurance in University
(Date: Tuesday, Jan. 24, 13:00-18:00)
場所:東北大学片平キャンパス 片平さくらホール
(Venue: Katahira-Sakura-Hall, Katahira campus, Tohoku University)
※日英同時通訳有(Simultaneous Translation)
---------------------------------------------講演1 (Speaker 1):
‘Use of Data to Improve Student Achievement in a Large Urban US University’
デイビッド・A・ドゥエル:米国・カリフォルニア州立大学ロングビーチ校 戦略的計画担当副学長(David A. Dowel, Vice Provost, Director of Strategic Planning, California State University Long Beach, United States)講演2 (Speaker 2):
‘Program Health Checks - a process for ensuring institutional quality assurance in undergraduate programs’
トッド・ウォーカー:豪州・バララット大学 学習・質保証担当副学長(Todd Walker, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Quality), University of Ballarat, Australia)講演3 (Speaker 3):
‘From quality assurance to quality culture: European experiences’
ヘンリケ・トフト・イエンセン:デンマーク・元ロスキレ大学学長、EUA質文化検証委員会委員長(Henrik Toft Jensen, Former Rector, Roskilde University, Denmark, and Chair of the Steering Committee for Examining Quality Culture Project, EUA)コメント 1 (Comment 1):
リチャード・ジェームス:豪州・メルボルン大学 高等教育参加担当副学長・高等教育研究センター長(Richard James, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Participation and Engagement), and Director, the Centre for the Study of Higher Education, The University of Melbourne, Australia)コメント2 (Comment 2):
大場 淳:広島大学 高等教育研究開発センター准教授 (Jun Oba, Associate Professor, Research Institute for Higher Education, Hiroshima University, Japan)主催:東北大学高等教育開発推進センター・国際教育院
Organized by Center for the Advancement of Higher Education & Institute for International Education, Tohoku University
Supported by Japanese Association of Higher Education Research
場所:第2部(1/25) 東北大学川内北キャンパス マルチメディア教育研究棟6階ホール--------------------------------------------
第2部 「豪州における学生の需要に基づく高等教育システムの導入」
Second Session: The Introduction of a Demand-driven System in Australian Higher Education
(Wednesday, Jan. 25, 10:00-12:00)
場所:東北大学川内北キャンパス マルチメディア教育研究棟6階ホール
(Venue: 6th-floor Hall, Multimedia Education and Research Complex, Tohoku University (Kawauchi Campus)
言語:英語 (Language: English)
講 演 (Lecture):
‘The Introduction of a Demand-driven System in Australian Higher Education’
リチャード・ジェームス:豪州・メルボルン大学、高等教育参加担当副学長・高等教育研究センター長 (Richard James, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Participation and Engagement), and Director, the Centre for the Study of Higher Education, The University of Melbourne, Australia)主催:東北大学国際教育院・高等教育開発推進センター
Organized by Institute for International Education & Center for the Advancement of Higher Education, Tohoku University
3.秋田大学開催、東北地区 高等教育教養教育研究会 大会 参加
4、日本語学教育学会盛岡支部 10月研究会 聴講
Date and Time:
Sunday, 23 October 2011 - 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Bern MulveyAs of 2004, all universities in Japan must submit to an external accreditation evaluation, to be repeated every seven years. The universities are to receive detailed written assessments in multiple categories from one of the four official accrediting agencies. These assessments are to be publicized. The universities also receive grades: pass, probation, and fail.
Aiina, Morioka, 6th Floor, Room 602
5、日本語学教育学会盛岡支部 12月研究会 発表
Presentation 1: Promoting Students' Foreign Language Communication Ability and General Studies: The IPU Case Study Presentation 2: University Students’ Perceptions on the Teacher’s Use of L1 in an English Classroom
Date and Time:
Sunday, 11 December 2011 - 1:30pm - 4:30pm
HARUMI OGAWAPresentation 1:
Yoshiko MiyakePromoting Students' Foreign Language Communication Ability and General Studies: The IPU Case Study
Aiina, Morioka, 6th Floor, Room 602
'The convergence of higher education models? What Japan and the UK can learn by looking at each other's current higher education reforms'
講演者:オックスフォード大学 ロジャー・グッドマン教授
Professor Roger Goodman(Head, Social Sciences Division,Universi ty of Oxford)
2. 日本語学教育学会岩手支部 4月研究会
Date and Time:
Sunday, 22 April 2012 - 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Bill LewisAlthough oral communication English classes have recently become more common, reading and writing maintain their predominance in English education in Japan. Having students write is one of the best ways to look at what they can do, but in the end, all such evaluations are made by humans, and thus have a certain amount of subjectivity to them.
Aiina, Morioka, 6th Floor, Room 602
3. 日本語学教育学会岩手支部 5月研究会
Workshop on Teaching Young Learners - Brain Rules, Tools and Jewels
Date and Time:
Sunday, 27 May 2012 - 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Kim HorneAhoy there! Come one and all to explore songs, chants and other activities that will bring language and laughter to young learners. Experience many techniques to engage students and hold their attention. This energetic presentation will send you home with great ideas to supplement your curriculum and make learning fun for everyone!
Aiina, Morioka, 6th Floor, Room 602
4. 北海道酪農大学開催、東北地区 高等教育教養教育研究会 大会 参加 9月
5. 9/12 【PDP】国際シンポジウム「留学生と日本人学生が共に学ぶ場を作る─グローバル人材を育成する授業とは─」
International Symposium "Planning Interaction between Domestic and International Students in the Classroom - Developing Students' Global Talent -"
教育関係共同利用拠点提供プログラム 教授技術論 L-04
日時:2012年9月12日(水) 13:00-17:30 場所:東北大学川内北キャンパス マルチメディア教育研究棟M206近年の大学国際化の推進に伴い、多くの日本の大学において、留学生と日本人学生が共に学ぶ授業の実践例が増えています。本シンポジウムでは、学生の 多様なバックグラウンドなどが影響する異文化環境での授業実施について、授業を担当する教員がもつべき異文化理解への意識や、学生同士のコミュニケーショ ンを促進させるための授業実施方法に関し、日本の大学の実例を取り入れながらメルボルン大学の研究プロジェクトを学びます。また、授業実践における異文化 環境の活用を通じたグローバル人材育成の可能性について、参加者間の議論を呼びかけます。
As the internationalization of universities has greatly increased in the last two decades, many practices can be seen in universities in Japan where domestic and international students learn together in the same class. However, in order to enhance their interaction, it is not enough for these students to simply sit together in class. This symposium will provide participants with recent research-based findings from Australia regarding the enhancement of domestic and international student interaction under the theme of “Finding Common Ground”. Speakers from universities in Japan will also present a variety of their efforts to make their classes more interactive, which will evoke a vital discussion on the possibility of fostering students' global talent through class activities.
主催:東北大学 高等教育開発推進センター,東北大学国際教育院,
メルボルン大学 Centre for the Study of Higher Education
Hosted by: Center for the Advancement of Higher Education (CAHE),
Institute for International Education, Tohoku University
Centre for the Study of Higher Education, The University of Melbourne
PRIME MINISTER'S EDUCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FOR JAPAN, Department of Industry, Innovation,Science, Research and Tertiary Education
Australian Government Project for Establishing University Network for Internationalization (Global 30)
Supported by: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan
Japan Association for International Students Education
Liberal and General Education Society of Japan
Japan Association of Higher Education Research
1.日程: 2012年9月12日(水)13:00-17:30
Date: 1:00-5.30pm, Wednesday 12 September, 2012
2.会場: 東北大学川内北キャンパス マルチメディア教育研究棟M206
Venue: M206 Hall, Multimedia Complex Building, Kawauchi Campus, Tohoku University
3. プログラム
Masahiro Yamaguchi, Professor, Special Advisor to the President, Director of Future Global Leadership Program (G30)
Satoshi Uehara, Professor, CAHE
Introduction: What we challenge for the improvement of classes to foster students' global talent in Tohoku University
花輪公雄 東北大学理事(教育・学生支援・教育国際交流担当),国際教育院長
Kimio Hanawa, Executive Vice President (Education and Information System) , Director of Institute for International Education
■Keynote Speech:メルボルン大学における国際化マネジメントについて
リチャード・ジェームス(Professor Richard James (Pro Vice-Chancellor (Participation and Engagement), Director of Centre for the Study of Higher Education, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, the University of Melbourne
■オーストラリア内大学における共同研究プロジェクト”Finding Common Ground: enhancing interaction between domestic and international students”の紹介
Australian Initiative ”Finding Common Ground: enhancing interaction between domestic and international students”
Associate Professor Sophie Arkoudis (Deputy Director of Centre for the Study of Higher Education, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, the University of Melbourne)
14:15-14:25 休憩 -Break-
How to promote interaction between domestic and international students in classes in Japanese universities
Speaker 1: Adrian James Pinnington, Professor, Associate Dean in charge of Academic Affairs, School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University
Edson Urano, Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Mitsuru Haga, Professor, Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Education, Liberal Education Programs, CAHE, Tohoku University
16:25-16:35 休憩 -Break-
16:35-17:25 ディスカッション -Discussion-
Closing Remarks: Akihiro Kijima, Special Advisor to the President, Professor, Director of CAHE
レセプション(東北大学川内北キャンパス 厚生会館内)
Reception (Cafeteria at North Kawauchi Campus, Tohoku University)
Simultaneous translation (English / Japanese) is available in the Hall (not at each site of Polycom distribution)
東北大学国際教育院・G30推進室 担当:米澤由香子(国際教育院特任准教授)
Yukako Yonezawa, Specially Appointed A/Professor,
Institute for International Education, Tohoku University
Tel:022-795-3243 Fax:022-795-7826
6 9/18
第19 回東北大学高等教育国際セミナー「経済先進国における学生の流動性とは」
"Incoming and Outgoing Student Mobility - The Varied Views and Policies in Economically Advanced Countries".
教育関係共同利用拠点提供プログラム 高等教育論 L-01
日時:2012 年9 月18 日(火)15:00 ~ 17:00 場所:東北大学川内北キャンパスマルチメディア教育研究棟M401高等教育の国際化は,学生が自国を離れ,他国の高等教育機関で学び,多様な文化に触れ,社会人・専門職業人,そして国境を超えた地球市民としての経験を培っていくことを意味します。
学 生の移動は,学習者が,自己のキャリア・アップや世界的な教育を求めて行うもので,個人のニーズに基づくものともいえますが,一方では,留学生の確保や送 りだしによる人材確保,高等教育の財源確保など,政府の政策によっても促進されています。学生の移動に関する多様な政策について,世界的に著名な高等教育 研究者であるウーリッヒ・タイヒラー氏(カッセル大学国際高等教育研究センター教授)が,東北大学教育学研究科のプログラムで来日されたのを機に,学生の 移動に関するセミナーを開催します。高等教育の国際化に関心のある方は,ぜひご参加ください。(講演は英語で行います)
Ulrich Teichler, born 1942, since 1978 (full) professor at the International Centre for Higher Education Research Kassel
and at the Department for Social Sciences of the University of Kassel. He was Director of the International Centre for
Higher Education Research Kassel for altogether 16 years. He ha s also worked in several international universities
including the Northwestern University, the United States, Colle ge of Europe in Bruges, Belgium, Hiroshima University,
Japan, and the Open University, the United Kingdom, in addition to other temporary teaching assignments and research
work in various countries worldwide. His key research areas are higher education and the world of work, international
comparison of higher education systems, and international cooperation and mobility in higher education.
7. 10・26-27
【PDP】英語で授業:Planning and Managing Active Learning in English
教育関係共同利用拠点提供プログラム 教授技術論 L-04
日時:2012年10月26日(金)16:00-18:00/10月27日(土)10:00-16:30 場所:東北大学川内北キャンパス 講義棟A103教室 ※定員に達しましたので,受付を終了いたしました。大変申し訳ございませんが,当日参加受付はございませんのでご了承ください。
学生が主体的・能動的に学ぶことをactive learningと言います。
1st Day : Enhancing Teaching
2nd Day : Principles of, Planning, and Managing Active Learning
”学生の主体的な学び(active learning)を促進する様々な教授法、授業計画、運営について学びます。”
8. 11/19 月曜 「若手研究者のためのAuthor Workshop ~アクセプトされる論文とは~」を開催 いたします 投稿日時: 11/02 ( 738 ヒット )
14:00-17:30 星陵キャンパス 臨床講義棟1F 臨床小講堂
1.How to Write Great : from Title to References from Submission to
3.How to write an academic paper in English (For Japanese)~英語論文の
東北大学附属図書館医学分館 運用係
1.岩手県大学 高大連派遣
第18回東北大学高等教育フォーラム(新時代の大学教育を考える[10]) 「書く力」を伸ばす ―円滑な高大接続のために―
教育関係共同利用拠点提供プログラム 高等教育論 L-01
日時:平成24年5月24日(金)13:00~17:00(受付開始 12:30)
場所:東北大学川内北キャンパス マルチメディア教育研究棟2階 マルチメディアホール
フォーラムでは基調講演者として,国語教育学の専門家であり,高校教育における「書く力」の育成の実情に詳しい筑波大学アドミッションセンター長の島田康行教授をお招きすることとしました。さらに,現状報告には,高校生を対象とした「青春のエッセー 阿部次郎記念賞」を通じて,卓越した高校生の文章に接してきた東北大学大学院文学研究科岩田美喜准教授から,期待される「書く力」や高校生の現状,作品応募に際しての高校の取組などに関わる話題を提供していただきます。また,高校側からは,「国語教育の中での作文指導」,「大学入試で課される志望理由書,自己推薦書,小論文などを通じた指導」という,高校教育の一環としての「書く力」の育成と指導に関して実績をお持ちのお二人の先生からの話題提供を予定しています。
Ⅰ 開会
Ⅱ 基調講演 高校・大学の双方で育てたい「書く力」
島田 康行(筑波大学アドミッションセンター長/教授)
Ⅲ 現状報告
岩田 美喜(東北大学大学院文学研究科准教授/阿部次郎記念賞選考委員)
古口 のり子(栃木県総合教育センター指導主事)
(3)「小論文指導+α ―E判定からの合格だけでなく―」
鈴木 勝博(岩手県立黒沢尻北高等学校教諭)
Ⅳ 討議
Ⅴ 閉会
2.大学教育学会公開講演・シンポジウム 「教育から学習への転換を支えるもの」
教育関係共同利用拠点提供プログラム 教授技術論 L-04
日時:平成25年6月1日(土) 14:10~18:10
場所:東北大学川内北キャンパス マルチメディア教育研究棟2階M206 (受付 13:30~ 同棟1階エントランスホールにて)
■ 申込締切:5月28日(火)
■ 定員:80名(事前登録制・先着順) ※当日受付はできかねますのでご了承ください。
3. 【PDP】Planning and Managing Active Learning in English
教育関係共同利用拠点提供プログラム 教授技術論 L-04
日時:2013.7.5(Fri) 16:30-18:30/2013.7.6(Sat) 10:00-16:30
本セミナーでは、学生が主体的に学ぶような授業(Active learning)を英語で行う方法について実践的に学びます。講師にはイリ ノイ大学より教授法の専門家であるローラ・ハーン先生と英語コミュニケーションの専門家であるトッド・エンスレン先生 ダニエル・アイコースト先生をお迎えし、学習理論の基礎、学生が主体的に学ぶような授業の設計方法、教室内の多様性を考慮した授業の展開の方法などを学びます。
1st Day : Enhancing Teaching
2nd Day : Principles of, Planning, and Managing Active Learning
“学生の主体的な学び(active learning)を促進する様々な教授法、授業計画、運営について学びます。”
4. 平成25年度東北大学大学院国際文化研究科「共同研究プロジェクト」
<< 本学の条件に適合する外国語教育能力評価方法の開発 >>
日時:7月26日(金)13:00 - 15:00会場:東北大学川内北キャンパス マルチメディア棟6階ホール
I. アメリカの言語教育とアセスメント
1. アメリカの言語教育の現状(授業回数、宿題、テスト)
2. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) とは?
3. アメリカでよく使われるプログラム評価方法とその妥当性・信頼性
4. アメリカで行われる授業評価の実態(course evaluation and examples;
MIT VFT vs. Regular Japanese & Univ. of Hawaii Japanese program)
II. 授業改善のために行われるアセスメント
5. 授業内の学生の評価方法(rubrics や self-assessment & portfolio の使用)
6. 教師同士の授業見学