Takahisa Sanada Ph.D

Associate Professor

Faculty of Software and Information Science

Iwate Prefectural University


Researchmap / Neurotree / JSPS KAKENHI database ORCID iD icon https://orcid.org/0009-0009-5770-2736

Research interests

My research interests focus on integration of sensory information, particularly visual cue integration and multimodal integration.

How we can perceive 3-dimensional world from two retinal images is my fundamental question. Cortical neural networks compute depth information from two-dimensional images, which might be further integrated with other visual cues such as color, texture, motion cues, higher visual contextual information and also information from other modalities. To understand our neural system, we combine neurophysiological approaches, human psychophysical experiment and neural network model.

Research field

Vision science, System neuroscience


  • PhD: Osaka University (Osaka, JAPAN), Biophysical Engineering, March, 2006.
  • MS: The University of Electro-Communications (Tokyo, JAPAN), Information science, March, 2001
  • BS: Tokai University (Shizuoka, JAPAN), Biomedical engineering, March, 1999.


  • April, 2006 - June, 2007 Postdoctoral fellow (21th century COE program, CREST), Visual Neuroscience Laboratory (Ohzawa Lab.), Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University
  • July, 2007 - March, 2013 Postdoctroral research associate, DeAngelis laboratory, Center for Visual Science, University of Rochester, (NY, USA)
  • April, 2013 - March, 2017 Project Assictant Professor, Division of Sensory and Cognitive Information, National Institute for Physiological Sciences
  • May, 2013 - March, 2017 Assistant Professor, SOKENDAI
  • April, 2017 - March, 2020 Assistant Professor, Kansai Medical University
  • April, 2020 - current   Associate Professor, Faculty of Software and Information Science, Iwate Prefectural University


  1. Young researcher award, Comprehensive Brain Science network, workshop 2013 ,Neural mechanisms of motion-in-depth perception in macaque area MT


  1. April, 2024 – March, 2028 JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) , Research on representation of size constancy on biologically-inspired deep learning model
  2. April, 2024 - March, 2025 the 41th CASIO Science Promotion Foundation
  3. 2023 JNNS30 Commemorative Research Grant
  4. September, 2021 – March, 2023, Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A),
    Analysis and synthesis of deep SHITSUKAN information in the real world (21H05829)
  5. April, 2020 – March, 2022 JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (20K12583)
  6. April, 2018 – March, 2019 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)
    Understanding human recognition of material properties for innovation in SHITSUKAN science and technology, (18H05016) 
  7. April, 2016 – March, 2017 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)
    Understanding human recognition of material properties for innovation in SHITSUKAN science and technology, (16H01681)
  8. April, 2016 – March, 2018  JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) Neural representation of complex motion in higher visual areas (16K00384)
  9. April, 2006 - March, 2007    The Naito Foundation fellowship