
  1. Satoshi Shioiri, Yuichi Sakano and Takahisa M. Sanada,Two Binocular Cues for Motion-in-depth, Interdisciplinary Information Sciences Vol. 30, No. 2 (2024) 167–182 =>>
  2. Yoshiyuki R Shiraishi, Hiromichi Sato, Takahisa M Sanada, Tomoyuki Naito, Reconstructed spatial receptive field structures by reverse correlation technique explains the visual feature selectivity of units in deep convolutional neural networks., arXiv:2103.02587
  3. Sanada T.M., Namima T., Komatsu H., Comparison of the color selectivity of macaque V4 neurons in different color spaces., J Neurophysiol. 2016 Nov 1;116(5):2163-2172. doi: 10.1152/jn.00108.2016 =>>
  4. Sasaki K., S., Kimura R., Ninomiya T., Tabuchi Y., Tanaka H., Fukui M., Asada Y. C., Arai T., Inagaki M., Nakazono T., Baba M., Kato D., Nishimoto S., Sanada T. M., Tani T., Imamura K., Tanaka S., and Ohzawa I., Supranormal orientation selectivity of visual neurons in orientation-restricted animals. Scientific Reports, 2015 Nov 16;5:16712. =>>
  5. Sanada T., M., DeAngelis G., C., Neural representation of motion-in-depth in area MT, Journal of Neuroscience, 2014 34(47):15508-21. =>>
    ( Related review written by Editor about motion-in-depth :
    Visual processing: taking an in-depth look at motion., Nat Rev Neurosci. 2015 Jan;16(1):4. doi: 10.1038/nrn3893. =>> )
  6. Sanada T.,M., Nguyenkim J.,D., DeAngelis GC, Representation of 3D surface orientation by velocity and disparity gradient cues in area MT., J. Neurophysiol. 2012 107:2109-2122. =>>
  7. Ninomiya T., Sanada T.,M., Ohzawa I., Contributions of excitation and suppression in shaping spatial frequency selectivity of V1 neurons as revealed by binocular measurements., J. Neurophysiol. 2012 107: 2220-2231. =>>
  8. Sanada T.M., Ohzawa I., Encoding of three-dimensional surface slant in cat visual areas 17 and 18. J Neurophysiol. 2006 May;95(5):2768-86. =>>


  1. Sanada, T. Idesawa, M. Watanabe, O., Perceptual stabilization of binocularly unpairedarea with 3-D illusory surface. (2001) VISION, vol.13, No.1: 49-52.
  2. 真田(三宅) 尚久, 早坂 明哲, 川村 智一, 山崎 清之, 岡本 克郎, タキストスコープを用いた3Dステレオグラムの立体視成立時間の測定, 東海大学紀要 開発工学部,Vol. 6, 285-289, 1996
  3. 大橋 俊彦, 真田 尚久, 川村 智一, 木村 達洋, 早坂 明哲, 山崎 清之, 岡本 克郎, ランダムドットステレオグラムによる立体視成立が視野闘争に与える影響, 東海大学紀要. 開発工学部. Vol. 9, 223-226, 2000

Invited Talks

  1. Sanada T. M., DeAngelis G. C., Neural mechanisms underlying motion-in-depth selectivity in macaque area MT, APCV 2014, Takamatsu, Japan.
  2. 眞田尚久, サルMT野における奥行き運動(Motion-in-depth)選択性とそのメカニズム, 生理研研究会, 「視知覚の現象・機能・メカニズム - 生理学的、心理物理学的、計算論的アプローチ」 岡崎, 2013 年9月
  3. 眞田尚久,サルMT野における奥行き運動(Motion-in-depth)に対する選択性, 生理学研究所部門セミナー, 岡崎, 2012年8月
  4. 眞田尚久, 大澤五住, 初期視覚野における立体面傾き選択性の神経メカニズム, シンポジウム「脳の中の三次元表現 - 心理、生理、臨床からのアプローチ」, 第84回日本生理学会大会, 大阪, 2007.


  1. 画像特徴抽出装置、画像特徴抽出方法、画像認識装置、及び画像認識方法,大澤五住、新井稔也、眞田尚久,特許第5305366号(登録),2013年

International Conferences

  1. Sanada T. M., Neural mechanisms of motion defined material perception., 新学術領域研究「多元質感知」国際シンポジウム"Past, Present and Future of Shitsukan Science and Technologies", Kyoto 2019. (Poster presentation)
  2. Sanada T., M., Representation of spatial feature of complex motion in areas MT and FST., APCV 2019 Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Osaka, July 29th, 2019. (Poster presentation)
  3. Sanada T., M., Komatsu H., Chromatic interaction profile in macaque area V4, 46th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, Oct, 2016. (Poster presentation)
  4. Sanada T., M., Komatsu H., Neural response to color combinations in macaque area V4., ICVS, July, 2015, Sendai. (Poster presentation)
  5. Sanada T. M., and DeAngelis G. C., Neural mechanisms for three-dimensional motion selectivity in macaque area MT, The Second CiNet Conference -- International Symposium on Neural Mechanisms of Vision and Cognition, March, 2015, Osaka (Poster presentation)
  6. Two mechanisms for three-dimensional motion selectivity in macaque area MT, 2014 International Symposium, Vision, Memory, Thought: How Cognition Emerges from Neural Network, Dec, 2014, Tokyo. (Poster presentation)
  7. Sanada T. M., and DeAngelis G. C., Neural mechanisms underlying motion-in-depth selectivity in macaque area MT, APCV, July 2014, Takamatsu (Symposium)
  8. Sanada T. M., and DeAngelis G. C., Representation of motion-in-depth in macaque area MT., 42th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, Oct, 2012. (Poster presentation)
  9. Sanada T. M. and DeAngelis G.C. Motion-in-depth selectivity in macaque area MT, CVS symposium, June 2012, Rochester, NY.
  10. Yusuke Asada, Shinji Nishimoto, Takahisa M. Sanada , Izumi Ohzawa. Does functional columnar organization extend across hemispheric boundaries?, 40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, Nov, 2010.
  11. Sanada T. M., Nguyenkim J. D., DeAngelis G.C. Linear combination of disparity and velocity gradient cues to 3D surface orientation by macaque MT neurons, CVS symposium, June 2010, Rochester, NY.
  12. Yusuke Asada, Takahisa M Sanada, Izumi Ohzawa, Receptive fields of interhemispherically correlated neuron pairs in the early visual cortex, XXXVI the International Union of Physiological Sciences, Kyoto Japan, 2009
  13. Sanada T. M., Nguyenkim J. D., DeAngelis G.C. Linear combination of disparity and velocity gradient cues to 3D surface orientation by macaque MT neurons, 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, Nov, 2008. Poster presentation. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Binocular Vision II
  14. Ohzawa, I., Sasaki, K.S., Nishimoto, S., Ninomiya, T., Tabuchi, Y., Tanaka, H., Sanada, T.M., Kimura, R., Asada, Y., Arai, T., Fukui, M., Tani, T., Imamura, K., & Tanaka, S., Elongation of receptive fields of visual cortical neurons in cats reared with restricted orientations, 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, Nov, 2007
  15. Sanada T. M. , Ninomiya T., Ohzawa I. Temporal dynamics of binocular information in the cat visual cortex 36th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, Georgia, Oct, 2006. Poster presentation. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Stereo and Depth II
  16. Ninomiya T., Sanada T. M. , Ohzawa I. Interocular spatial frequency interactions in the early visual cortex. 36th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, Georgia, Oct, 2006. Poster presentation. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Stereo and Depth II
  17. Sanada T. M. , Fujiwara M., Ohzawa I. Temporal Differences between Pattern and Stereoscopic Processing. The Fourth Asian Conference on Vision (ACV2006), Matsue, JAPAN. Poster presentation.
  18. Sanada T., Ohzawa I., Dynamics of slant-in-depth selectivity of binocular neurons in the cat visual cortex. 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, Nov, 2005. Slide presentation.
  19. Sanada T., Ohzawa I., Origin of surface slant selectivities in area -17 and -18 neurons., 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, Oct 27, 2004. Poster presentation. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 865. 13
  20. Idesawa, M., Sanada, T., and Wanatabe, O. Perceptual stabilization of binocularly unpaired region by superposing an illusory surface. ECVP 2001 (European Conference on Visual Perception) Kusadai, Turkey, 2001. abstract published in Perception, Vol. 30, Supplement, p42, 2001.

Domestic Conferences

  1. 眞田尚久, 視覚運動による質感知覚の神経基盤, 質感のつどい 第5回公開フォーラム、2019年12月4日, 京都
  2. Sanada T.,M., Kawabe T., Nishida S.. Komatsu H., Neural response to complex motion in macaque area FST, サルFST野における複雑運動刺激に対する反応特性, 第42回日本神経科学学会, 新潟, 2019/7/25-26 (ポスター発表)
  3. Sanada T.,M., Kawabe T., Nishida S.. Komatsu H., Neural response to complex motion in macaque area MT, サルMT野における複雑運動刺激に対する反応特性, 第41回 日本神経科学学会, 神戸, 2018 (ポスター発表)
  4. 眞田尚久, 河邉隆寛, 西田 眞也, 小松英彦, 視覚運動による質感表現への生理学的アプローチ, 質感のつどい第3回公開フォーラム, 大阪, 2017年11月22日(ポスター発表)
  5. 眞田尚久, 河邉隆寛, 西田 眞也, 小松英彦, 複雑運動刺激に対する MT 野細胞の応答特性, 第21回視覚科学フォーラム, 豊橋, 2017年9月28日(ポスター発表)
  6. Sanada T., M., Komatsu H., Responses to single colors cannot predict chromatic interaction profile in macaque area V4, V4野細胞における色の相互作用特性は単色に対する応答では説明できない, 第39回 日本神経科学学会, 横浜, 2016 (口頭発表)
  7. 眞田尚久,小松英彦, 大脳皮質V4野神経細胞の色の組み合わせに対する反応特性, 第63回中部生理学会、2016, 岡崎(口頭発表)
  8. Sanada T., M., Komatsu H., Selectivity to color combination in macaque area V4, 5th NIPS-CIN Joint Symposium, 2015, Okazaki(口頭発表)
  9. Sanada T., M., Komatsu H., Selectivity to color combination in macaque area V4, V4野細胞の色の組み合わせに対する選択性, 第38回日本神経科学大会, 2015, 神戸 (ポスター発表)
  10. 眞田尚久,小松英彦, V4野における色の組み合わせに対する反応特性, 視覚科学フォーラム, 2015, 福島(口頭発表)
  11. Namima T., Sanada T.,M., Komatsu H., Comparison of color selectivity in DKL and CIE-xy spaces in macaque area V4. 二種類の色空間におけるサルV4ニューロンの色選択性の比較, 第37回日本神経科学大会, 2014, 横浜 (ポスター発表)
  12. Sanada T., M., DeAngelis G., C., Nonlinear mechanisms for motion-in-depth selectivity in macaque area MT, 大脳皮質MT野における奥行運動の神経メカニズムの解明, 第37回日本神経科学大会, 2014, 横浜 (口頭発表)
  13. 眞田尚久, DeAngelis G., C., 大脳皮質高次視覚領野における奥行き運動情報(Motion-in-depth)の符号化, 第61回 中部日本生理学会, 2014, 名古屋
  14. 眞田尚久, Gregory C. DeAngelis, サルMT野における奥行き運動(Motion-in-depth)知覚の神経基盤, 包括脳夏のワークショップ, 2013, 名古屋 (poster presentation)
  15. 眞田尚久, Gregory C. DeAngelis, サルMT野における奥行き運動(Motion-in-depth)知覚の神経基盤, 視覚科学フォーラム, 草津, 2013(口頭発表)
  16. Asada Y. Nishimoto S., Sanada T.M., Ohzawa I.,Does functional columnar organization extend across hemispheric boundaries? 初期視覚野の機能的構造は半球を隔てて保存されているか?34th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Neuroscience Society, 2011. Poster presentation.
  17. Asada Y., Sanada TM, Ohzawa I, Receptive fields of transcallosally connected neurons in the early visual cortex. Technical Committee on Neurocomputing (NC), Wed, Mar 12, 2008 - Fri, Mar 14, Tamagawa Univ., Kanagawa.
  18. Ohzawa, I., Sasaki, K.S., Nishimoto, S., Ninomiya, T., Tabuchi, Y., Tanaka, H., Sanada, T.M., Kimura, R., Asada, Y., Arai, T., Fukui, M., Tani, T., Imamura, K., & Tanaka, S., Receptive field structure of visual cortical neurons in cats reared with restricted orientations. 31th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Neuroscience Society, Tokyo, July 2008, Poster presentation.
  19. Asada Y, Sanada T. M., Ohzawa I., Receptive field structures of transcallosally connected neurons in the cat's visual cortex, 30th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Neuroscience Society, Yokohama, 10-12, September, 2007. Poster presentation.
  20. Sanada T. M., Ninomiya T., Ohzawa I., Temporal Dynamics of Binocular Receptive Fields in the Cat Visual Cortex.29th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Neuroscience Society, Kyoto, 2006. Slide presentation.
  21. Ninomiya T., Sanada T. M., Ohzawa I. Interocular Spatial Frequency Interactions in the Early Visual CorteX, 29th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Neuroscience Society, Kyoto, 2006. Poster presentation.
  22. Sanada, T., Ohzawa, I. "3-D surface orientation sensitivity in area 18 of the cat." 27th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Neuroscience Society, Osaka, Sep. 21, 2004. Poster presentation. Neuroscience Research Suppl 100. Poster presentation.
  23. Sanada, T., Idesawa, M., and Watanabe, O. "Perceptual stabilization of binocularly unpaired area with 3-D illusory surface." Vision, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 49-52, Yamanashi, 2001 (in Japanese). Poster presentation.
  24. Sanada, T., Idesawa, M., and Kitaoka, A. "Depth perception in binocularly unpaired area." Joint meeting of JNS200 and JNNS2000 (23rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Neuroscience Society and 10th Annual Conference of Japanese Neural Network Society), p. 111, Yokohama, 2000 (in Japanese). Poster presentation.