About Us
Neural system in brain reconstructs a three-dimensional (3D) model of the external world from a pair of two-dimensional (2D) retinal images. 3D world we perceive is result of processing of cortical neural system. There are various visual cues processed in cortical neural system, such as depth, contrast, color, visual motion, shape, etc. How our neural system encodes visual information and integrates all the cues is fundamental question. To understand neural network, we use physiological, computational and psychophysical approaches.
What's new
5/1/2023 4 new members joined lab.
5/1/2023 2 undergrad lab members were awarded as student with outstanding academic results.
4/1/2023 4 new members joined lab.
3/17/2023 5 undergad and 2 graduate students graduated. Congratulations!
2/6/2023 Bachelor thesis defence was held. Well done!
1/21/2023 Poster presented at a winter conference of Japan Vision Science Society 2023
11/8/2022 A book for Vision Science just published.
視覚の事典 朝倉書店
4/5/2022 4 undergrad lab members were awarded as student with outstanding academic results.
9/10/2021 JSPS Grant accepted (2021-2022)
3/4/2021 Co-author paper with Naito-lab in Osaka-univ is uploaded on arXiv.
Yoshiyuki R Shiraishi, Hiromichi Sato, Takahisa M Sanada, Tomoyuki Naito, Reconstructed spatial receptive field structures by reverse correlation technique explains the visual feature selectivity of units in deep convolutional neural networks., arXiv:2103.02587
11/20/2020 A list of text book for Vision science and Neuroscience was updated.
10/21/2020 Research topics page was revised
5/13/2020 Lab website update
4/1/2020 Sanada lab started