List of Publications
- 1)"Multi-Agent Coordination with OASIS." In Post-Proc. of First PRIMA,
T. Ishida (Ed.), Springer - LNCS 1599 , 1999.
- 2)"Modelling Multi-Agent Coordination." In Proc. of the 9th European
Japanese Conference (EJC'99), Iwate-Japan, 1999.(共者)
- 3) "Conflict Resolution Strategies in Design Multi-Agent."
In Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on Strategic
Knowledge and Concept Formation (SKCF'99), Iwate-Japan, 1999.(共者)
- 4)"Modelling Multi-Agent Coordination." In Frontiers in Artificial
Intelligence and Applications - Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XI,
E. Kawaguchi et al. (Eds.), IOS Press - OHM Ohmsha,2000.(共者)
- 6)"Research Topics Discovery from WWW by Keywords Association Rules"
in Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing, LNAI 2005,
Ziarko and Yao (Eds.), Springer,2001.(共者)
- 7) "Modeling, Extracting and Visualizing an Organization's Knowledge with Topic Maps," in IMCIC'11 , March 2011
- 8) "Extracting and Visualizing People's Needs and Topic Trends from Users'Comments on Video Streaming Sites or Blog Posts" in E-SOCIETY'13 , March 2013
- 9) Topic Modeling on Users’s Comments" in third ICT International Student Conference, March 2014
Accepted papers to the third ICT International Student Conference
- 10) "Comments Analysis and Visualization Based on Topic Modeling and Topic Phrase Mining" in the proc. of third International conference E-Business Wireless 2015 , March 2015
- 11) "A Framework for Comments Analysis and Visualization" in the International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (IJDIWC) 2015 , volume 5 issue 3 pages:185-193 (May 2015).
- 12) "Aggregating and Analyzing Articles and Comments on a News website" in the post-workshop JSAI frontier symposia 2015 selected papers, Springer Verlag LNAI, to appear in 2016.,
New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, JSAI-isAI 2015 Workshops, LENLS, JURISIN, AAA, HAT-MASH, TSDAA, ASD-HR, and SKL, Kanagawa, Japan, November 16-18, 2015, Revised Selected Papers,
Editors: Otake, M., Kurahashi, S., Ota, Y., Satoh, K., Bekki, D. (Eds.) , pages 428-441
Preprint version,
- 13) “Analysis of the Japanese Central Bank Monthly Reports and Nikkei 225 Index Monthly for Future Prediction.”in International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, vol.14 (2016) Issue 5 pages: 3059-3069.
Preprint version,
Published version reference image,
Published version (
- 14) “The Calculus behind Learning in DNNs Revisited.”in the Book on the Conference Proceedings of the International in Mathematics and Applications, (ICMA-MU2018) pages:43--52.
Published version homepage ICMA-MU2018 ISBN: 978-616-443-242-0
- 1) "Research Topics Discovery from WWW by Keywords Association Rules,"
2002年知識ベースシステム研究会 (第56回) 論文集, p.105-110、 2002年6月
- 2) "Research Topics Discovery from WWW by Agent System,"
in SSGRR'03 Aquila, paper number 13, Italy, January 2003
- 3) "Solving Japanese Quiz Television with Question Answering System."
in Proceedings of the twelfth World Wide Web Conference, Budapest, May
- *) "Finding Relevant Answers in Question Answering System Contest." in
Proceedings of the fourth NTCIR workshop, Tokyo, June 2004.
- *)" Question Answering System with Fine Grain Answer Types and Search Refinement" in Proc. of Annual Meeting NTCIR 2005, Tokyo, Nov. 2005. NTCIR5-QAC
- *) "Designing and implementing knowledge bases for narrative animations system." in Proc. of the Annual Conference on Computer Graphics - SIGGRAPH , pp. 1-es, San Diego, August 2007.
- *) "Investigating Knowledge Discovery with Ontologies in Scientific Domains." In Proc. of the PROTEGE Conference, Amsterdam, June 2009.
- *) "Vers une construction automatique des ontologies et cartes topiques a partir des bases de donnees et informations numeriques d'un domaine quelconque (cas particulier du seisme)" Journee Francophone de la Recherche, Tokyo, Dec 2011.
- *)“Extracting and visualizing people needs and topics trends from users comments on video streaming or blog posts.” In JSAI SIG-FPAI-B204, 人工知能基本問題研究会資料(第89回), p. 13-18. 岩手県立大学, 2013.
- *) 村上 力、David Ramamonjisoa, Basabi Chakraborty. “話題抽出とトピックモデル”, 平成26年度電気関係学会東北支部連合大会, 2014年8月
- *) "Aggregating and Analyzing Articles and Comments on a News website" in the JSAI frontier symposia TSDAA 2015 , November 17 2015
- *) “Analysis of the Japanese Central Bank Monthly Reports and Nikkei 225 Index Monthly for Future Prediction.”in proc. of the 3rd International Conference “Trends in Multidisciplinary Business and Economic Research (TMBER-2016), March 25-26, 2016.
- *) 佐藤芳樹,ダビド・ラマムジスア. “日経平均株価の変動の分析”, 第125情報基礎とアクセス技術研究会(IFAT研究会), 東洋大学, March 10 2017
- *) 瀬川 雄基 David Ramamonjisoa. “NMFを用いた為替ドル円レートの変動要因分析とAdaboostを用いた予測システム”, 第125言語処理学会(NLP学会), つくば大学, March 14 2017
- *) David Ramamonjisoa and Yoshiki Sato. "ANALYSIS OF THE NIKKEI 225 INDEX AND FUTURE PREDICTION", In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference Advanced DigitalInformation Systems (IADIS), Budapest, April 2017
- *) David Ramamonjisoa. "COMPARISON OF TWO FORECASTING METHODS IN TIME SERIES DATA WITH SEASONALITY", In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference e-Society, Sophia Bulgaria, April 2020
- *)伊熊 秀麿,David Ramamonjisoa. “複数BERTモデルで作るツールによってコメントの可読性向上を試みる”, 人工知能学会 インタラクティブ情報アクセスと可視化マイニング研究会(第28回研究会プログラム), オンライン, March 8 2022. オンラインライブデモ:
- *)David Ramamonjisoa, Hidemaru Iguma, Riki Murakami. "Filtering Relevant Comments in Social Media Using Deep Learning," In Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT), pp. 335-340, Niagara Fall, Ontario, Canada, November 2022. Program at glance and DOI 10.1109/WI-IAT55865.2022.00056
- *)David Ramamonjisoa, Shuma Suzuki. "Comments Analysis in Social Media Using LLM agents," In Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Advanced Natural Language Processing (adNLP), pp. 335-340, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 2024.
- 1) "Research Topics Discovery from WWW by Agent System," in SSGRR'03 Aquila,
Italy , January 2003
- "マルチエージェントを用いた研究トピックス発見", 研究報告書 2002年度
【その他:過去の研究業績】 Ramamonjisoa @ IPU)
Made 25 May 2024
by myself.